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eForms F.A.Q.

December 13, 2021 No comments

Frequently Asked Questions

The current eForms will cease to exist on December 17th, and the new edition is expected to go live on December 21st. We've still got questions about eForms pouring in, so in this quick article we're going to break it down in bite-size pieces to help you get a quick understanding if eForms is right for you.

Starting off we'll address the most basic pros and cons, then address five main questions we've been receiving.

Pros and Cons

Potential Benefits
1) Potentially faster
2) No physically "lost" paperwork
3) More automated, less room for human error

In theory, with less room for human error and more automation, the process should dramatically speed up. It has a lot of very solid benefits and is modernizing the way paperwork is completed. The development of a new system is decades overdue, and necessary to adapt to the modern world.

Potential Downsides
1) Untested government software
2) Poor track record
3) Easy firearm registration system

While the "sales pitch" for the new eForms sounds fantastic, we do have to remember there has been no stress testing or testing with live data. There's not a good track record with government websites being rolled out (healthcare.gov for example), and there's a less than stellar record with how eForms has performed in the past.

The Big Questions

1) Will it be faster?
Supposedly, yes...substantially. According to the ATF it will speed up. If we look at history; however, it's up and down depending on what the ATF prioritizes at any given time. We absolutely hope it's fast, but it's speculation at this point.

2) Should I wait?
Waiting to file electronically versus paper is a personal decision. We feel it really boils down to the tried and true method or rolling the dice. If you want stability and comfort, paper is the way to go. For those who wish to engage in higher risk and potentially faster approvals, we can certainly eFile for you!

3) How do I request eForms?
For the folks wanting to order now and eFile when available, we're happy to accommodate that. Give us a call to request we file electronically, or simply put it in the order comments when you place an order, and we'll take care of it.

4) How long are paper approvals going to be?
We have no idea, as the ATF has been all over the map historically. We do believe paper forms will speed up drastically as the queue shortens.

5) Will the new eForms system work well?
The current system does not work properly. Its performance ranges from annoying errors to massive problems, including lost forms and outages multiple times a week. We hope for a tremendous improvement, but with no real-world testing to see how the servers will handle the load, we expect the initial launch to have challenges.

The Take-Away

Options are good, and Capitol Armory is happy to provide you with choices. We're experts in both physical paperwork and software development, so you can be confident we'll do everything to make sure your form is processed properly. While we do expect hiccups and it's too early to speculate on how well the new eForms update will work, our NFA paperwork experts will take care of you.